Illicit Trade - the dark side of globalization


Illicit Trade

The research on sanctions implementation is, also, a research on sanctions busting.

Since sanctions is nothing more than a trade regulation, the circumvention of sanctions occurs with classical techniques of money laundering and smuggling that characterizes almost all illicit trade activities, which has now become my major research interest.

Building upon the work on sanctions busting, my research looks at two dimensions of illicit trade.

The gatekeepers

I work on the gatekeepers of globalization, namely those actors that belong to both the bright and the dark side of globalization. They are the gatekeepers because they engage in illicit activities, but they are also instrumental for the existence of globalization.

International cooperation on illicit trade

I am interested on the mechanics of cooperation when it comes to illicit trade at the global level. This involves a plethora of actors, both private and public, who have a strong influence over the type of impact globalization has on communities, states and the overall system.

See the Illicit Trade Group for further information